Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy demands that you listen closely as he clears the air on this whole "Anthony Kennedy tried to censor a high school newspaper" thing, by blaming it on his staff. Anthony Kennedy loves kids. And newspapers!

The New York Times reported that Kennedy's office demanded prior review of the Dalton student paper's story about Kennedy's talk there, a brave story that Bill Keller greenlighted despite a clear and present danger to his candidacy for Dalton's Favorite Dad. Now, Kennedy tells the rival WSJ his side of the story:

In an interview Tuesday, Justice Kennedy said he never asked to clear the copy before publication. He said the request came from a new employee who misunderstood his longtime rule for classroom visits: no outside media, but campus reporters are welcome.

Also he says he loves student reporters and seeks to protect them from professional reporters, who are professionally obligated to mock their stupid, stupid nerd idiot questions they always ask a Supreme Court Justice, like "How are you going to vote on this case?" God, shut up, stupid high school reporters. You are seriously retardo. If you go snitching to the Supreme Court again I swear. You'll get something a lot worse than prior review.
[Pic: Getty]