NY1 news anchors: Cursed? Portly (former) political anchor Dominic Carter ruined his own career by beating his wife and trying to squirm out of it by name-dropping. Now, another anchor's dad is critically injured in a crack pipe fire.

Dean Meminger is a 62 year-old former New York Knick and dad of Dean Meminger, Jr., a reporter and anchor at NY1. Police found discarded crack pipes at the scene of a fire in the Bronx that put the elder Meminger in critical condition last Sunday, and proceeded to leave 16 families homeless. Meminger has been battling cocaine addiction for much of his adult life, according to the NYDN.

Two's not quite an official trend. But if Pat Kiernan so much as stubs his toe any time soon, we advise everyone at NY1 to flee while you still can.