Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/03/13 11:26PM
A data company went through 600,000 of those "may be monitored" consumer phone calls and figured out that of all the goddamn states in the union, Ohio swears the most. Washington staters cursed the least, and South Carolinians ranked most polite, based on their rate and usage of words like "please" and "thank you."
eBay Is Now Banning the Sale of Curses, Spells, and Other Magic
Cord Jefferson · 08/16/12 05:45PMAtlanta Welcomes Black People by Totally Collapsing
Hamilton Nolan · 06/22/11 03:59PMCurse Words Help Numb Pain
Max Read · 04/18/11 10:53PMWhat Are the Most Popular Swear Words on TV?
Max Read · 11/10/10 03:37AMJoe Biden's Terrible Vehicular Curse Takes Flight
Adrian Chen · 08/11/10 05:57PMThe Seinfeld Curse Claims Another Victim
Brian Moylan · 04/27/10 04:12PMNY1 Anchors 2/3 of the Way to Terrible Trend
Hamilton Nolan · 11/25/09 09:26AMBillionaire Killed By Stress of Madoff Money
Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/09 08:46AMSNL Dooms Two More Women To Lives of Obscurity
Brian Moylan · 09/08/09 05:33PMThe Voodoo Curse of Julia Allison's Dog on Tech Companies
Foster Kamer · 05/16/09 10:30AMMeredith Vieira is the Grim Reaper of Marriage
Hamilton Nolan · 01/05/09 01:10PMMcCain's Arizona Compound Is Ancient Indian Burial Ground!
Pareene · 10/17/08 01:06PM
No wonder he's losing! As was revealed in the Washington Post recently, John McCain's remote Arizona ranch features a lovely Verizon cell phone tower. Cindy, it turns out, asked for a tower back a couple years back. Verizon, remembering the Senator's wonderful work on behalf of the telecommunications industry during his time on the Commerce Committee, spent two years investigating the environmental and commercial impact of placing a permanent cell tower on the Senator's land, far, far, far away from anyone else who might benefit from it. Cindy says she asked for no special treatment, but the fact that Verizon's internal map of the area refers to it as "John McCain's ranch" suggests she may have been receiving it regardless. But this is the real story: while researching the environment impact of the tower, Verizon turned up evidence of an ancient Indian burial ground on McCain's property! Sort of! As Josh Green explains it:
7 Hollywood Curses, Jinxes, and Bizarre Coincidences
Richard Lawson · 08/11/08 03:02PM
As these are the biggest stories imaginable in our plagued and ruined times, we thought we'd wax high school poetic about celebrity jinxes and death curses, and then provide you with a list of some of the best ones right. here. After the jump you can read all about the Poltergeist skeleton hex, the famous Rule of Three, and the Exorcist ailments, among others. There are seven of them, because that is a lucky number. Stay away, ghost of Burgess Meredith!
The Curse Of Billy Bob Thornton Overtakes 'Dark Knight' Curse In Hollywood Death Toll
STV · 08/11/08 12:00PM
Bernie Mac's tragic death sparked a surge of postmortems around the Web over the weekend, with many invoking his role as the bad-ass mall gumshoe opposite Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa. But one perceptive observer commenting at Hollywood Elsewhere noted that the late comedian's passing is the latest in a string of similarly untimely demises for other Thornton co-stars as well:
The Curse of The Dark Knight
Richard Lawson · 08/04/08 12:08PM
Remember Poltergeist, that 1982 horror film that was rumored to be plagued by a curse? What with the untimely deaths of two of its young stars, and reports of various odd occurrences on set. Can a movie be cursed? The Exorcist saw its fair share of mishaps, including injuries and the deaths of several crew members, as did Peter Berg's recent flop The Kingdom. And then there's Valkyrie. Well, it looks as though The Dark Knight, that Batman blockbuster mega-machine that's roiling in movie theatres currently, may be joining those ranks. Death and violence has surrounded three of its stars since the movie wrapped, Morgan Freeman's car accident last night being the most recent.
Finger Severing Just Another Day at the Bond Office for Daniel Craig
STV · 06/11/08 01:20PM
The legend of the "James Bond Curse" took another wholly contrived media twist Tuesday, when Daniel Craig reportedly severed the tip of one of his fingers while shooting the particularly unlucky Quantum of Solace at Pinewood Studios. The injury is Craig's second in a week (he'd previously required eight stitches to close a gash in his chin), but that's just the beginning, notes The Daily Mail:
Bill O'Reilly Confronts The Menace Of Women Saying Bad Words On TV
Pareene · 02/15/08 10:56AM
Hanoi Jane! On NBC! Saying "cunt"! Is it Bill O'Reilly's birthday? That's how he must've felt when Jane Fonda chose to curse on a network he happily crusades against every goddamn day on his show (because, you see, MSNBC employs people, like Keith Olbermann, who make fun of him). Though he employed his typical tone of stern, paternalistic morality, you could tell there was loving care involved in assembling his montage of people—all of whom happened to be women, most whom happened to be liberal—accidentally cursing on television. "If someone does that on my program? Believe me, they'd get scolded." We're sure they would! And we admire Bill's restraint in restricting his obscenities to harassing telephone calls and legal documents. The clip is below.
Jen · 11/19/07 02:34PM

Alec Baldwin's HuffPo blogs are best read to yourself with the voice of his '30 Rock' character Jack Donaghy. Heed this advice especially while reading the final paragraph of his post titled
"Three Random Things":"I miss my make-up artist, Stacey Panepinto. I miss my hairstylist, Richard Esposito. I miss all of the 30 ROCK cast and crew, who I don't see anymore because of this motherfucking, motherfucking, motherfucking strike."