If you are one of the many who thought you could not despise the Salahis any more than you already do, think again: The White House crashers are demanding to be paid for their first television interview.

Originally scheduled to speak to Larry King on Monday, the Salahis have opted instead to emphasize the "whore" part of their well-earned "fame-whore" status by offering their first TV appearance to the highest bidder. We learn from the Times that, according to a network executive, "they are asking for best offers from all the networks." (Most networks have said they don't pay for interviews, they do sometimes pay hefty fees for auxiliary material like photos and videos.) Hey Salahis, you should take our offer instead: $0. We keep our money and you keep what remains of your dignity. [NYT]

•A lot of people went to the movies this Thanksgiving: Movies grossed $275 million domestically from Wed.-Sun. last week. A new world record! This despite no new big hits debuting, and "New Moon" droping 70% from its debut. (It was still number 1) [LAT]

•Speaking of making a lot of money: Paramount has bought the distribution rights to "Area 51," director Oren Peli's follow-up to "Paranormal Activity"—the film which cost $11,000 to make and grossed $106 million. [Variety]

•The New York Times tries to count how many people are starring in reality shows at any given time. The mind-boggling estimate: about 1,000. [NYT]

•According to a Hungarian activist, many former Soviet satellites' governments retain Communist-style control over television networks. He's probably just bitter that these governments didn't pick up his sit-com pilot, How I Made Your Goulash. [Variety]

•Got $179.98? You can own 35 Clint Eastwood films. They're being released as a 19-disc ranging from "Where Eagles Dare" to "Gran Torino." [THR]

•Jeremy Piven and Kate Walsh have been added to the cast of the indie drama "Waska". INSERT DUMB SUSHI JOKE HERE. [Variety]