Today at Gawker.TV, The Sun spoofs Apple commercials, Kelly Cutrone drops the F-Bomb on morning television, a concert-goer finds his seat by way of everyone in the audience, and we choose the best Price Is Right flip-outs of all time.

Newspaper Spoofs Apple Ads with Their Own 'Handheld' Device
The Sun argues newspapers are better than iPhones because you get news, sports, photos, gossip and games in an easy-to-share format without waiting for pages to load, no contract, or losing reception.

The City's Kelly Cutrone Drops the F-Bomb on Morning TV
If you're going to swear on live television, what better place is there to do it than Fox News? Kelly Cutrone, the foul-mouthed, mean-boss-lady-type on The City did just that this morning when asked about Olivia Palermo.

Wrecking Ball vs. Minivan
This footage is part of a movie but it's still pretty awesome to watch a minivan being taken out by a huge wrecking ball.

Fans Help Man Find His Way Back to His Seat
Ever get lost at a sporting event? Well, this guy did on purpose and his friends enlisted the help of the surrounding fans to help him find his way back to his seat.

The Best Price Is Right Freakouts of All Time
Colder weather means more sick days- and more sick days means higher ratings for The Price is Right. Nothing brightens up our days stuck at home as much as the our favorite flip-outs of the last 38 seasons.