Starting tomorrow, new FTC regulations require bloggers to disclose when they accept cash or freebies for posts. Appropriately enough, fameball queen Julia Allison is leading this coming wave of embarrassing confessionals, with a disclosure about her insides.

Allison was an early pioneer in the fine art of internet attentionmongering, so it makes sense she's tried to establish a beachhead on disclosure. The NonSociety founder today apologetically issued a "so corporate" post to make sure everyone understood who has been paying her to say nice things about them:

  • Blueprint Cleanse, which has been flushing things out of Allison's colon for "over a year."
  • SeaWorld, whose payments Allison did not disclose until after we raised the issue.
  • Sony, who gave Allison an unprecedentedly classy deal involving actual TV commercials.

We expect this will be the tip of the iceberg; FTC rules say that bloggers must disclose their "material relationships" with people they write about, including anyone who provides freebies or cash. If you see any other confessionals, email them in; we'll round up the blogger confessionals tomorrow.

(Top pic: One of Allison's Blueprint Cleanse endorsements. Via NonSociety.)