Sarah Silverman compared her feelings to quicksand; Rob Thomas compared President Obama to President Bush; and a newspaper staffer likened the story process to oral sex. The Twitterati turned up the contrast.

The most "polite" thing about Rob Thomas' snub of the president was probably the way he tweeted it years later for maximum humiliation.

Tech entrepreneur Jack Dorsey hearts Twitter. Whoever invented that thing deserves mad props.

Jennifer 8. Lee may work for the New York Times, but her sometime Googler-boyfriend Craig Silverstein actually prefers the bagels in Montreal. A lot. Fact checking is called for, clearly.

Judging from this posting at Overheard Newsroom, there's at least one reporter out there whose pitches are WAY more engrossing than yours. Or whose blowjobs are WAY worse. Either way.

Sarah Silverman might be depressed, but at least she started a cool Twitter-tag meme.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.