Yelp's Holiday Party Way Lustier Than Yours
At Yelp, every review is a chance for free drinks, every email a chance for distasteful punning — and every company party a chance to leer, spank and orgy out. Judging from the pictures, 2009's holiday bash was no exception.
The local reviews portal uploaded a cache of party pics to Flickr, a trove duly uncovered by Nicholas Carlson over at Silicon Alley Insider. It comes complete with the requisite provocatively posed women, mostly-naked men and naughty company icon (Santa). Those are the sort of party props that have become Yelp's PR calling card, lending the company a "let the good times roll" vibe that helps keep unpaid contributors supplying the company with free content.
In fact, this particular gathering, trampy as it may have been, looks reasonably tame compared to the debaucheries of years past; our last picture in the gallery below is a compilation distilling the positively fleshy feel of parties past (also documented here, here, here, here, here and here.)
UPDATE: It should be noted that this particular party was in San Diego; San Francisco-based Yelp will no doubt throw something similar in the Bay Area if it hasn't already (we hear it hasn't, yet, this year).

"That would be a lump of coal you're feeling, young lady, for your, uh, untoward extreme naughtiness. You're a very, uh, baaad girl."

Don't you wish you'd had the chance to sign this little angel, too??

Girl on far left rocking about 8x harder than everyone else in the picture.

"I can't speak for Mr. Leprechaun here, but I'm totally looking you in the eyes, lady."

Yelp photographers can literally smell the female tongue leaving the mouth.

"So many bad girls at this party, so little time to admonish them..."

Come, now, sir, you can do several buttons better than this. Several flies, even.

Ooops, we did it again, and, what do you know, at another Yelp party.

Santa presumably has his own private collection of these "girls on my lap" shots.

Everyone looks equally buzzed/sober. Nice pacing!

History teaches us what a truly wild Yelp party looks like.