Missed any of NBC's Thursday night lineup? We've got you covered! After the jump, watch the best moments from tonight's episodes of Community, Parks and Recreation, The Office and 30 Rock.

On Community, the kids at Greendale held an STD-themed health fair, and Annie was tasked with demonstrating the proper way to put on a condom. The only problem? Annie's never actually seen a penis. In this scene, Britta and Shirley offer their counsel:

Tonight's episode of Parks and Recreation brought with it the news that Tom is getting a divorce. So, to make him feel better, Leslie organized a fun night out. Watch as everyone tells Tom what they most like about him, and decide for yourself whether or not he's faking the melancholy mood.

Over at The Office, the new Employee of the Month matrix presented Dwight with a perfect opportunity to continue his attempted sabotage of Jim. And just in case that wasn't enough, Dwight made a few phone calls, too—and not as himself. Watch the scene below.

And finally, 30 Rock. How do we love thee? Let us count the ways. While tonight's episode is definitely one you're going to want to catch at a later time on Hulu on account of its sheer brilliance, this scene was our favorite. Watch as Liz attempts to tape the opening credits for her new show—Dealbreakers—and be sure to pay attention to the HD camera that gives her and a couple others some unwanted exposure.