Dirty Cocktails, Dirty Money, Dirty Mailmen

A senator accepted a bundle of cash; Susan Orlean imbibed something 'hard core;' and Ana Marie Cox touched someone again. The Twitterati had a lot of explaining to do.

Senator Cair McCaskill (D, Missouri) would like you to know she wasn't accepting a bribe from her lover in the cafeteria today. Everything in Congress is so hard.

Cinephile journalist Kristopher Tapley has had it with his idiot mailman.

No one can make a cocktail <a href="http://twitter.com/susanorl

The Huffington Post's Jason Linkins has alleged that Air America's Ana Marie Cox touched him unexpectedly. Show us, on the doll. (Not Ana's doll.)

Always with the Twitter self promotion, New York Times' Brian Stelter.
Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.