Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi Attacked, Rushed To Hospital

Just in: Silvio Berlusconi was facepunched at a rally in Milan. He was seen being taken to the hospital; his mouth was bleeding, no word on his condition. A man's been arrested. Update: There's now video of the hit.
Via the comments, good looking out. Heads up, Silvio:
Here's some chaotic video of the aftermath from an Italian station, again, via the comments.
Officials at Milan's police headquarters, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, said the premier was conscious and apparently not badly injured. They said the attacker was wielding a miniature statue of Milan's Duomo, the city's gargoyled cathedral and symbol, but couldn't say what the souvenir was made of.
Berlusconi's spokesman, speaking by telephone from the emergency room from San Raffaele hospital where the premier was taken, told Sky TG24 TV that doctors had decided to keep the premier in the hospital overnight for observation.
"We'll see what the doctors say tomorrow morning," spokesman Paolo Bonauiti told Sky. The exams of his jaw area included a CT scan, Bonaiuti said. Police identified the man they were questioning as Massimo Tartaglia, 42. They said Tartaglia didn't have any criminal record.