Today at Gawker.TV,we learned a lot from The Sing-Off, the best Tiger Woods parody video we've seen, a local news anchor laughs about murder, another Intervention episode for the record books, and Barbara gets the skinny from Snoop Dogg.

Barbara Walters Waxes Poetic About Bitches and Hos With Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg is everywhere. You can't puff on a fatty blunt without the smoke hitting a TV with Snoop's face plastered all over it. On The View, he played the loving husband, but Barbara wanted to know about his bitches.

Six Things I Learned While Watching The Sing-off
Last night NBC premiered The Sing-off—a four-day a cappella group competition that was marketed as a cross between American Idol and Glee-and it was amazing, for all the wrong reasons. Here are the six things I learned while watching.

News Anchor Can't Stop Laughing While Reporting Gruesome Murder
A news anchor from a West Texas morning news show can't stop laughing while reporting on the murder of a woman who's bugged-eyed husband is suspected of killing.

The Alcoholic with a Thousand Faces
Each episode of A&E's Intervention follows a pattern: the addict's tragic past is explored, his/her horrifying effect on friends and family is exposed, and the intervention is staged. Character is what distinguishes each episode. Tonight's Jennifer was an instant classic.

The Most Accurate Tiger Woods Parody on the Internet
Which also happens to be funny and peppered with profanity. As long as Tiger Woods remains quiet and stays out of the public eye, we're going to have to leave it up to artistic interpretation to give us the story.

Also of note: we released our Top 100 Videos of 2009 in Less Than 3 Minutes today.