Gawker Stalker at a Glance

Gawker's spies are everywhere. And here's a rundown of today's posts on the #stalker page: You saw Stacy London, Ed Westwick, one of the Olsens, Blake Lively and Rhea Perlman.
- Stacy London. In front of my office, sans makeup. 1133 Broadway. Gray beanie and black peacoat.
- An Olsen twin, hiding by the door at Von (3 Bleecker St.)
- Saw Blake Lively and Penn Whatshisname at Veselka.
- Rhea Perlman. Haven't seen her since Matilda, but there she was trying on boots at Varda on Spring St!
- Ed Westwick just walked into Los Feliz on les. Teeny.
There are two new ways to submit sightings: 1. You can email them to or 2. see your sighting published immediately on the site (if you're an approved commenter) by using the Share box at the top of the front page and including the #stalker hashtag. Either way, be sure to give us details you'd want to know — what they were wearing, what they said, who they were with, what they ate. Brownie points for spelling their names right and using proper capitalization.