Tiger Woods Story 4,786,874 Breaks

The number is a rough estimate — the story today is that his wife has moved out. Also: there may be casinos in New York soon, the LA Times still loves drugs and young people these days are square dancing.
The death of televangelist Oral Roberts also makes the front page pretty much everywhere. In fact, on the cover of the Washington Post, he's under news that gay marriage has been approved by the council there. Which shows how much things have changed since he was born in the early 1900s.
Other stories that are interesting to read and process, and contain nice information include:
- The New York Times say Lloyd Blankfein likes quick profits. Who knew?
- The Washington Post gives us the good news about gay marriage.
- And the Wall Street Journal shows the hypocrisy of 'fiscal conservative' members of congress who are happy to rack up government spending on their own junkets.
Disclosure: I freelance write and report for newspapers that are included in this roundup. Where there is a direct conflict of interest I will make it clear.
The New York Times: has news of concerns over China's nuclear power program, and of Shinnecock Indians winning recognition from the government — which means they can build casinos. In New York. Lloyd Blankfein has fostered a culture of quick profits at Goldman Sachs (is that what "god's work" means?) and they may save forests at the Copenhagen climate summit! Also: Televangelist Oral Roberts died and everyone listens to Celine Dion, but no-one admits it.
The Washington Post: leads with the news that the council in DC have approved same-sex marriage. Good local news! But young suburban folk are using more drugs. Bad local news! The IRS are letting Citigroup get away with not paying some tax as part of their bailout payback deal, the death of Oral Roberts gets a mention here too, and there's an update on the healthcare bill. That features the word 'Lieberman'.
The LA Times: says special forces in Afghanistan are targeting the Taliban more and Al Qaeda less. Because the LA Times loves drugs, they have two stories on the topic: one about legal ones, in the senate healthcare bill and one about illegal ones, in Colombia. Fraud charges have been dismissed in the Broadcom case and Asians are driving a recruitment increase in the armed forces.
The Wall Street Journal: has bad news on the European economy. Despite the stimulus efforts of members of Congress, who are spending millions there on lavish junkets. And the kids these days are taking up square dancing.

The New York Post: has the story that Tiger Woods' wife has moved out. Which is perhaps the least surprising of all the Tiger Woods stories (4,787,843 at the last count) we've had so far.

The Daily News: says the Upper East Side — home, as we know, to rich folk — is the most polluted neighborhood in New York.
Bakersfield Californian: has one of those puts-the-recovery-in-perspective stories.
Philippine Daily Inquirer: but at least there are no volcanic eruptions in California.