It's a Christmas miracle: a tipster has forwarded us a historic May, 2007 internal staff email from our favorite public relations powerhouse, 5WPR. It seems someone (ladies) could not keep the poop flushed and the tampons put away properly.

From: [5WPR staffer]
To: "Email-Everyone"
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 13:18:56 -0400
Subject: Bathroom - Last Warning
Whoever took a dump in the ladies room between this morning and now needs to go back in the bathroom to flush the toilet. In addition, the other stall has the flap on the tampon box open.

This is the absolute last time I'll be asking the ladies in this office to have proper bathroom etiquette before we have locks installed in the bathroom and a sign in sheet for every time you use it.

I've got everyone on this e-mail copied, including Ronn [Torossian] and Adam because it's beyond me why as professional women we don't know how to keep the bathrooms in order for our colleagues, clients and potential new clients to use. How many times do I have to ask?

Again, this is the last warning.

Pick up after yourself, close the tampon box, wipe, clean and flush. If the toilet paper our hand soap runs out, please let Christine Garabedian know.


All the Best,

[5WPR staffer]