More Reasons Why the White House Is a Better Beat Than Capitol Hill

Thanks to the media-hating GOP, the poor saps who cover Congress will be spending Christmas Eve in the Capitol watching Communism happen in the form of a vote on the healthcare bill. Their White House counterparts will be in Hawaii.
Congress has scheduled a Christmas Eve vote, and if the past is any guide it will probably happen at maybe midnight and there will be a blizzard, too, and an army of "patriots" pretending to die in the hallways. Meanwhile, the Obamas will be in Hawaii, and the White House press corps got this e-mail a couple weeks ago from the travel office:

We've asked around if any vigilant White House correspondents were dedicated enough to follow the Obamas hither and yon this December, but haven't gotten any answers. Either way, as you gather with your loved ones this Christmas Eve, please don't forget to think of the less fortunate ones stuck in the Capitol transcribing the ravings of idiots.