ZOMG: Bloods and Crips are coming together in order to make money, through crime! This unsurprising development is only the beginning of a fresh hell to come for Compton residents.

"You see African-Americans dealing with Hispanics on obtaining narcotics and weapons. We're seeing Hispanic gang members involved with the Eastern European criminal figures," said Robert W. Clark, acting special agent in charge of the criminal division of the Los Angeles field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. "Where they see opportunities to collaborate, they do."

[Keep in mind this is federal cops talking to the Wall Street Journal, the most un-hood sourcing you could possibly have]. In other words, L.A. gangs are becoming more and more like old-style organized criminals. Mazel tov! The big bosses in mob flicks always favor business over unnecessary set tripping, and the message is finally getting through to the "boots on the ground."

Bet you $100 that there will be "Bloods and Crips Guided Gang Bus Tours" of South Central L.A. before this decade is out. BET.