Meet the New Girlfriend Rosie O'Donnell Picked Up on a Web Chat with Her Fans

Meet Tracy Kachtick-Anders: artist, inventor, adoption activist, doula (like a midwife, but less science and more hippie) and confirmed girlfriend of Rosie O'Donnell. They met last month on Rosie's Ask Ro web chat.
One month after Rosie admitted that the single life sucks, she was spotted holding hands with Tracy—who, it turns out, she met during a chat on Notes an astute Ask Ro reader,

Unfortunately, combing through the Ask Ro archives is like putting your brain in a pencil sharpener. There are only so may "u r a booger" haikus you can read in one night, so I had to quit before finding the fateful one. UPDATE: I gave it one last try and—luck be an lovely lesbian lady!—found it:

An unabashed, "Here's me in a nutshell, wanna hit it?" Followed by a likewise unabashed, "Fuck yeah." Well played, Tracy and Rosie. Weird, potentially creepy, and setting a bad precedent for Rosie's future stalkers—but look at all the stuff they have in common:

Creative in occasionally befuddling ways. Tracy holds a patent to The Sleep Wedge, a contoured block with straps for storing somnolent infants in pods. Her artistic specialty is creepy oil-paint riffs on maternity. Rosie has dabbled in the fine arts as well, and is a fan of all things "crafty."
- Adoption advocacy for gay families is both women's calling. Tracy has one child by in vitro insemination, five adopted children, and a history of fostering. She founded Open Arms Campaign, a GLBT adoption and foster care advocacy group. Likewise, Rosie adopted children and became an advocate for gay families midway through her life as a mother to four.
- They're in the mood for love. Timing is everything, and it seems to be right for these two. Rosie is finally far enough over Kelli to be open about her heartache, and wanting something new. When asked two months ago about "future plans," Tracy exclaimed, "I'd like a date with an inspiring woman!" In a testimony for GLBT family website Rainbow Babies, she notes,
There aren't a lot of women (that I am interested in) out there who can look past my five special needs kids to see a potential date or who want to sometimes share the bed with a sick or scared child.
- Also, Tracy looks good in a swimsuit and Rosie isn't opposed:

- They're writerly. This is extra-important when you're trying to make a long-distance cyber-romance work. (As far as I can tell, Tracy still lives in Galveston, TX.) Rosie has written , while Tracy is an Examiner columnist.
- They overshare. Tracy frequently photographs her family for artistic purposes, and Rosie blogs like a college kid on a Red Bull high, which means though the relationship is still fresh, they're already at Group Blog Threat Level Orange.