In your last 2009 media column (crying all around): Scientologists now practice their nuttery journalism-style, E&P closes, Tim Tebow ready to lead Christian Soldiers against Fox, and Regis returns!

Hahaha: An "investigative" "magazine" owned by the Scientologists has published an EXPOZAY of the St. Petersburg Times and the Poynter Institute, who have, coincidentally, themselves published things about Scientology that were not 100% positive! As a bonus, the mag features "An OUTSIDER's view of Scientology in Clearwater." I'm guessing he liked it?

Editor & Publisher officially closes today. Greg Mitchell's still holding out hope for a savior to resurrect it. May we suggest...uh...Bill Gates? He's rich and knows how to read, right?

If Fox blacks out the Gators game tomorrow because of some stupid cable dispute I swear to god Tim Tebow is going to get Jesus to punch Rupert Murdoch right in the balls.

Hey, Regis is ready to return to the air after his hip replacement surgery. Welcome back, Reege! Most important media news of '09!