Was Rush Limbaugh's Hawaiian hospitalization drug-related? This line from a report about his medical crisis raises a flag: "Limbaugh told emergency crews that he was having chest pains and had been taking medication for back trouble."

Update: Rush says he isn't on painkillers.

Recall that as recently as 2006, Rush was believed to be "feeding his narcotic addiction with a hoard of 2000 painkillers acquired over six short months, with oxycodone and hydrocodone being his pills of choice. He attended court-ordered rehab and was thought to have been clean ever since.

An email to Limbaugh's people asking about his painkiller status went unreturned.

Rush is in "good and stable condition" now. TMZ's poll of whether or not he should get better has been hovering at a 50/50 split all day, and Second City is going ahead with Rush Limbaugh: The Musical!. [Politico] [CBS] [Rush] [TMZ] [UPI]