The Knowles-Gaddafi Conspiracy: Did Beyonce Rock New Year's for Libyan Dictator's Son?

Rachel Sklar, Mediaite's executive editor and resident Lady Gaga Penis Conspiracy-debunker, might've found her Watergate. She's making unconfirmed, shaky, but fascinating arguments for Beyonce playing a New Year's Eve show for Lindsay Lohan AND Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi's kid.
It all starts out so simply! Beyonce's playing a New Year's Eve show for a bunch of crazy-rich people at St. Barth's Nikki Beach, an uber-exclusive, super-spendy club, filled with the kind of people who can afford to stay there and thus subsidize a private concert by Beyonce. The party has been well documented, and Sklar notes the presences of Jay-Z, Usher, Jon Bon Jovi, Asylum Records honcho Todd Moscowitz, Swedish supermodel Victoria Silvstedt, George Michael, Microsoft founder Paul Allen*, and Lindsay Lohan, who apparently had some kind of freakout, like she's wont to do at these things. It was well-documented by Moscowitz!
Correction: A source close to Allen tells us (and Sklar) that the Mircrosoft founder was not in attendance.
And it looks like Beyonce put on a good show! Scratchy iPhone recording, go!
But the best Twitter report Sklar dug up was a DJ noting that Beyonce had played for the Gaddafi family.
As for this report standing on concrete ground, her connection is at best, tenuous, and at its worst, a wide jump to totally unsubstantiated conclusions:
An article by Brazilian celebrity/gossip columnist Vivi Mascaro, in Portuguese, reported on the event, mentioning "Kadafi"...According to Mascaro, 300 people were at the party, drinking magnums of Champagne and seated at tables that each cost a cool $12 thousand (according to a source who was there, reservations were required in advance and it was pay-your-own-way, but the question remains about who paid for Beyonce. Reports are now emerging - unconfirmed - that Beyoncé doubled Carey's last-year take with a cool $2 million for the performance. Influential urban blogger Necole Bitchie wrote "I am hearing they were at a party for Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy's son and Beyonce was reportedly paid 2 million to perform." UK celebrity and entertainment columnist Dean Piper wrote in the Daily Mirror about the Abramovitch party, noting "[m]eanwhile at another party at nearby Nikki Beach, Beyonce Knowles (watched by husband Jay-Z) was being paid a rumoured six-figure sum by none other than the family of Libyan dictator Col Gaddafi!" Emails and a phone call to Beyonce's publicist have not been returned.
Emphasis mine. So, she's got:
A few Twitter reports, including a DJ who knows what a Gaddafi is,
A Brazillian gossip columnist who can't spell,
A blogger whose last name is "Bitchie" who also can't spell, and
A British gossip at the Daily Mail.
A source at the party.
She also notes that Gadafi's kid was widely reported to be in New Zealand.
Which brings us to the conclusion that Gaddafi's kid, Saif Gaddafi, might've been there, or other Gaddafi's, and that Col. Gaddafi could have somehow have subsidized it himself.
That said:
Saif was reported to have thrown the same party with Mariah Carey starring in the Beyonce role last year.
The Gaddafi Family is known for being not too, uh, understated.
He has a fuckton of money.
There were no denials of last year's party after the rumors that lead up to it.
Where there's smoke, there's fire of some kind.
Now! Is Saif Gaddafi really that bad of a guy? Sklar's quick to point out that he's worldly and the like...
Well, as respectable as Saif Gaddafi is with his charitable endeavors, pedigreed friends and PhD studies...
...but probably just to make sure she doesn't get her door knocked down by Libyan Nationals sometime tonight, but let's face it: Saif Gaddafi is a piece of shit, from a family of shitheads. He's the son of a military dictator who overthrew the power in his country via coup. Saif Gaddafi called the victims of Pan Am Flight 103 "greedy" last year and noted that Libya only paid them because they needed economic sanctions removed.
As for his Dad, who might've paid for it, he made sure the imprisoned bomber of the Flight 103 was just last year given a compassionate release, flown back to Libya on the Gadafi Family Jet, and returned to the people as the recipient of a "hero's welcome." Which, as it's also pointed out, is why Obama didn't invite Gadafi to a reception in September. Fuck Gadafi.
Beyonce's publicist has yet to get back to them, same with the Nikki Beach people. What's missing from this rumor are the reports of security forces, or reports of any of the other shitshow rope-offs that would come with Gaddafi actually being in the house. They don't have bills or invoices, which, well, we'd certainly pony up for.
They don't have anything but simply reports of Gadafis being there. They don't have anything that has them paying for it, or proof that they were there. And they don't have anything that would directly implicate Beyonce in fully knowing that she performing for a shitbag military dictator's son.
But I gotta say, Mediaite's been running business for how long? And this is the first thing I've read that's given me a stop-what-I'm-doing *slow clapping* effect. Good, fun, maybe fascinating stuff, because there's a greater truth around this, and it is: Parties like this happen all the time. World leaders like to get down. Kids of world leaders like to get down. And people like Beyonce probably have no idea who some of the geopolitical terrorists and Enemies of the State are in their most private audiences.
Only question now is: Wonder what Mediaite's sister website, the rumor-debunking (read: "publicist denial-printing") Gossip Cop will have to say about it when the time comes for them to give this one a full body cavity inspection? Who knows. Until then, we'll just have to wait and find out exactly how coup-delicious Beyonce and the Gaddafi family are together.