While we debate the merits of intrusive screening methods, some guy at Newark International Airport foiled TSA with the ingenious plot of walking the wrong way through the exit of a terminal checkpoint. The terminal is on lock-down.

According to CNN

Police are seeking the individual, who walked from the public side to the sterile side, said TSA spokeswoman Anne Davis. No flights were allowed to leave from Terminal C Sunday evening, she said.

Authorities are reviewing video from airport cameras. They are not sure whether the man was once on the sterile side and went back, or if he never went through screening, Davis said.

Other travelers who had reached the sterile area after going through checkpoints are being moved back to the public area to be re-screened, she said.

Far from worrying over terrorists becoming more adept and creative, we should actually be concerned that they may be developing an uncanny ability to dodge security in the stupidest, most literal way possible. Oh, and that it works!

Maybe the headline of this post should be 'Mass Evacuation of Newark Airport Miraculously Leaves No One Trampled.' Here is a picture via Times' media reporter David Carr's twitter:

And another from Twitter user Isliburd: