Alec Baldwin Thinks of CNBC as a Dating Service

On the next season of 30 Rock, Jack Donaghy will have a fling with a right-wing CNBC talking head. On the last season of Alec Baldwin's mixed-up life, he hit on this real right-wing CNBC talking head. Art imitates life!
The 30 Rock plotline will involve Donaghy getting mixed up with a conservative CNBC analyst played by Elizabeth Banks, who describes her character as "Sean Hannity in a skirt." The affair begins after Donaghy makes a CNBC appearance, which was actually filmed at NY1's studios, which occasioned this awesome photograph of Baldwin and Gawker favorite Pat Kiernan.
The real-world precursor: A CNBC source tells Gawker that Baldwin once approached CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, through an agent, to ask her out. Caruso-Cabrera is known for thinking that off-shore tax shelters "help prevent tyranny" and for the way she looks in a sweater, which is very, very pretty. Our source says Baldwin's agent told Caruso-Cabrera that Baldwin wanted to meet her; the proposition resulted in a phone call with Baldwin during which Caruso-Cabrera mentioned her right-wing politics, which fizzled things rather quickly. "She told him she was a conservative, and never heard from him again," our source says. Unlike the 30 Rock version, Baldwin's interest wasn't sparked by an on-air appearance—he just called her cold. Which leads us to believe that he spends his days watching cable news and trolling for tail. CNBC's not a bad place to start.
We've asked Caruso-Cabrera and a rep for Baldwin for comment; we'll let you know if we hear back. UPDATE: Matthew Hiltzik, Baldwin's publicist, said he has no comment.