The attached picture, of a Facebook playboy's sweethearted proposal to his Googler girlfriend, did not come cheap: It was shot in a private air taxi above the Maldives, a remote haven for wealthy tourists. Dave Morin has struck again.

If Morin's name sounds familiar, it's because he's become a Valleywag regular. Don't let his drab Facebook title of "senior platform manager" fool you: This is the guy who had MC Hammer, not to mention rock-star venture capitalist Ron Conway, at his 28th birthday party in 2008. The one who pals around with cutie internet pundits and his boss' protocelebrity sister. And the one who seems to have never met a tropical tech party he doesn't like, whether it's Camp Cyprus in the Mediterranean or the "Summit Series" in Cancun.

If Morin sounds like a smooth operator, it's because he has to be: His hottie fiancée Brittany Bohnet works for the enemy over at Google, a tie that hasn't been without its own thorny political ramifications.

But Morin has ways to paper over those problems. Millions of ways, we hear: With all of three years at Facebook, an eternity in the world of startups and social media, he's believed to have built up quite a nest egg of Facebook equity — and made a nice bundle cashing them out, thanks to the employee liquidity provided by the social network's new Russian backers this past summer.

It helps, of course, that Morin spends his money wisely. Or at least, that's the conclusion one is led to by the Flickr set he's published in connection with his Tumblr-ed marriage proposal. She said yes, after all.

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