Watch an Adorable Baby Taste a Lemon for the First Adorable Time
Kelly Conaboy · 06/28/14 01:35PMIt's adorable.
It's adorable.
Just when you thought John — the little kid who got caught with his face in the sprinkles jar — couldn't get any cuter, he goes and appears on Ellen with his mom Erica.
When Madeline asked her parents if, for her third birthday, she could ride the train for the first time, little did she know what happens to girls who get everything they've ever wanted.
This little guy is being hand-raised by Australian zookeepers after having some difficulty with his mom. Watch him cuddle his stuffed friend. See him drink from a bottle with his weird little old-man face. Note that he has trouble retracting his tongue all the way into his mouth. Fall in love.
While most of America was glued to Fox for the duration of the night, there were others of us that spent the evening watching cute little puppies playing on a fake football field. Not that we're complaining!
This footage recorded yesterday at the Philadelphia Zoo, is so completely adorable that it'll melt even the coldest of hearts. Watch a group of humboldt penguins chase around a butterfly and be delighted.
This Brazilian baby may be the most talented infant ever to grace YouTube's "dancing baby" genre. I'm not sure how he has so many moves, or why his balance is so good. Perhaps he's a prodigy of dance?
The attached picture, of a Facebook playboy's sweethearted proposal to his Googler girlfriend, did not come cheap: It was shot in a private air taxi above the Maldives, a remote haven for wealthy tourists. Dave Morin has struck again.
If this doesn't elicit some kind of emotion from you, then remove yourself from the human race and cash in your soul now. On freezing days like today, this will make you feel warm.
Brian Cox can pull off menacing and acerbic like few others (the Bourne movies, Manhunter). He legitimizes terrible movies (Chain Reaction, The Long Kiss Goodnight). But his best role to date is teaching Shakespeare to adorable children.
There's adorable, and there's talented. Then there's the adorably talented. Only a handful of children in the world can be crowned with the title of "Adorablented." This kid is one of the few.
There's some kind of sick good cop/bad cop deal going down at Yahoo. CEO Carol Bartz swears, smacks down reporters and threatens "dropkicks." Her enforcer, meanwhile, has a Pomeranian named Clio and loves David Sedaris and peach cobbler ice cream.
[Submit your own Gawker Stalker sightings to] May 25 @ 11:30amHe was with his family. A woman yelled out, "I love your show!!" One of his kids said, "What did that lady say?"
Condoleeza Rice's first column for the Daily Beast isn't about international relations. That stuff's presumably better placed in Foreign Affairs. No, Condi waxed schoolgirlish about Tiger Woods, who she totally practically dated once.
Anderson Cooper isn't about to make a dancing fool of himself with Ellen DeGeneres, like those other TV news anchors, whom he helpfully names. Plus, public displays of ardor just aren't his thing.
Look how adorable the Times' most aggravating columnist was, in her little "Irish stuff" outfit!
Indian names baffle E!'s Ryan Seacrest, so he just held a sign up to the camera to introduce children from the cast of Slumdog Millionaire. Sad. Then things got more weird.