Five Cheaper Alternatives to the New York Gay Hotel

It looks like gay Spanish hotel chain Axel Hotels is going to erect (har!) a homo outpost right here in Manhattan. Hell's Kitchen to be exact. Like everything fancy and gay, it's probably too expensive for you, but don't fret!
On Top Magazine (really, couldn't you at least call it Pitcher?) reports that Axel will open a hotel here in spring of 2011. Axel runs properties in Barcelona, Berlin, and Buenos Aires, so could the Big Apple be left behind? It will feature amenities like a choice between a "Do Not Disturb" sign and a "Please Disturb" sign. Kinky!
But that is going to be for the old rich gays who have things like savings accounts and real jobs. What are the rest of us going to do? Well, New York is the city that keeps giving back, especially for hot young boys just rolling into Port Authority with only a cowboy hat and a dream. Here's your guide to an inexpensive alternative lodging for a weekend in the big city.

Youth Hostel: It's even in Chelsea, right on 20th Street! Sure you're going to have to deal with some sketchy Eurotash and your stuff will probably get stolen, but you're two blocks from Barracuda for only $33 bucks! That doesn't count the copay your doctor will charge you when you return home with lice and the clap, but it's a bargain.

The Bathhouse: This isn't really a place to stay, more like a place to sleep, because they won't let you in and out—literally at least. However there are two handy Manhattan locations, one in Chelsea and one on the Upper East Side. You get four hours for like $35 on the weekend, so you can't sleep long. But the linens are always fresh and the house music isn't too loud. Who doesn't love a group shower and a case of athlete's foot?

Central Park: This is only for the summer months, but every babygay needs a "Once I slept in Central Park..." story. We suggest the southwestern corner of the park, convenient to the Hell's Kitchen bars and the Whole Foods on Columbus Circle, in case you need to use the john. Yes, it's dangerous and you may get rained on, but that is part of the experience. Trade in that M for a B, my friend. This year, it's all about being a hobo. Newspaper not included.

Manhunt Motel: Back in the day, we used to just travel to a strange city with a toothbrush and a fresh pair of undies and after a night at the gay bar we could rely on the (ahem) kindness of strangers to give us a place to crash. Now you can go on Manhunt and set up a rendezvous before you even get there. It's Gayvolution! Just make sure your prospective innkeeper knows you plan on spending the night. Logging on early like making a reservation, but you can't pay for this room on your credit card. Craigslist also works, but, ew, sketchy.

Don't Sleep: This is the city that never sleeps, and neither should you. There are enough parties, after parties, pre-parties, all-night diners, brunch places, and day raves in this town to keep you more than occupied for 24 hours. Why waste a second of your gay holiday on a damn hotel, Mary? Live it up!