
Mommy Bloggers Need to Shut Up About This Dirty Gay Billboard

Brian Moylan · 11/29/11 06:07PM

Is there anything worse than mommy bloggers? That is a rhetorical question because if you have two firing synapses, you know the answer to that question. Now one of them is all up in arms about a Manhunt billboard that dared to be on the way to her child's school.

Gospel Group Sells Morals to Manhunt for 30 Silver Pieces

Brian Moylan · 08/14/09 12:10PM

For years gay hookup site has been dogged by many things: crystal meth, trolls lying about their pictures, and people mistakenly visiting a Southern gospel group's website at Well, they finally got rid of one of them.

Time for Manhunt To Admit Straights

Alex Carnevale · 11/22/08 01:45PM

As we learned from the lawsuit filed to open Christian dating site eHarmony to homosexuals, everyone wants to take advantage of Neil Clark Warren's methodology that pairs compatible couples. Per the terms of this week's settlement between the dating site and the state of New Jersey, eHarmony will create Compatible Partners, a separate but equal branch of the popular dating site. Congrats to the gays, but those on the straighter side don't really care who uses eHarmony: they just want the unfair barrier to insanely popular gay dating side Manhunt eradicated. New Jersey, tear down that wall!EHarmony was launched in 2000 by evangelical Christian PhD Neil Clark Warren, and purports to base itself on research of heterosexual couples. Following in the footsteps of the once staunchly hetero Jewish site JDate, the new sit Compatible Partners will use the same hokum to cater to a different clientele. The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination has had strange bedfellows before, and now some are suggesting it's only a matter of time before other niche websites will be forced to admit everyone. The fight against discrimination rolls on! Here comes the story of the Hurricane: it's long past time that popular gay cruising site ManHunt includes str8s. We felt the bear pain of computer programmer/petitioner Eric McKinley, 46, who described the frustration that straight users of Manhunt must feel every single day of their lives:

Gays now entitled to inept online dating

Owen Thomas · 11/20/08 03:40AM

eHarmony does not hate gay people. It is merely ignorant of them. That is the dating site's excuse for excluding same-sex customers — a practice that led a gay New Jersey man, Eric McKinley, to file a complaint with New Jersey's attorney general which eHarmony has just settled, paying a $50,000 fine to the state and $5,000 to McKinley. eHarmony was founded in 2000 by Neil Clark Warren, an evangelical Christian and a psychologist; he is still the company's chairman.To settle the complaint, eHarmony is also launching Compatible Partners, a gay dating site. But the Compatible site, as proposed is not just separate; it's also unequal. eHarmony executives have long insisted that they didn't want to serve gay daters because their site used an algorithm based on long-term studies of straight couples. Compatible Partners, which must launch by March, will use the same questionnaire as eHarmony — but the company admits it has no idea if it will work to find good matches. Compatible Partners users will see a warning to this effect: "The statement lets customers know that eHarmony, Inc. has not conducted research on same-sex couples so that they have the information they need to decide whether to use our service." If anyone shows up that is; eHarmony will give away 10,000 free accounts, but it's hard to think that a dating service chaired by a conservative Christian will prove much more popular than, say, Manhunt, the gay personals site whose chairman donated to John McCain's campaign. The politics of sex aside, the website's clearly going to suck. This should sound so familiar to people who build websites for a living: A poorly thought-out product, based on insufficient research, rushed out on an artificial deadline. But in this case, it's the government, not inept managers, who are ordering it up. They're from the government, and they're here to help your dating life! If gays can't get married in California, don't they at least deserve the benefit of their own pseudoscientifically valid hookups? (Photo via

Manhunt chairman told to stop backing McCain

Melissa Gira Grant · 08/18/08 07:20PM

Cruising for no-strings-attached relations with power players? That's what Manhunt's gay users thought they were getting from each other, not from Manhunt founder Jonathan Crutchley. Crutchley made a $2,300 donation to the hetero-lovin' McCain campaign, which sparked a minor mutiny on the sex site that made him rich, leading to his resignation as chairman. At least he got his money back from McCain, who wanted to do nothing from gay-hookup bucks. Honestly: We thought sugar daddies were always the very height of discretion. (Photo via

Manhunt Chairman Forced to Resign Once Users Discover That He's a Mean Old Republican

Richard Lawson · 08/18/08 12:00PM

It was revealed last week that Jonathan Crutchley, chairman of popular gay hookup site Manhunt, had donated $2300 to not-so-gay-friendly John McCain's campaign fund. And now, amid a a furor of hurt feelings and un-nursed booboos, he has resigned. Site founder Larry Basile issued a statement today, decrying Crutchley's hoodwinkery and affirming his and the site's (but most importantly his) devoted slobbering for Obama:

Gay Sex Service Hopes Kathy Griffin Will Tell Its Clients to 'Suck It'

Kyle Buchanan · 07/31/08 11:40AM

In today's niche-oriented gay world, is there anything that bears, twinks, gipsters (gay hipsters) and the like can all agree on (besides the fact that we totally need a better word than "gipster")? Gay hookup site Manhunt is betting there's at least one figure who can bridge that vast divide, so they've launched a new ad campaign featuring universal gay icon Kathy Griffin — only, according to a sticky press release, they're doing it without her approval:

Kathy Griffin Not Going Full Monty As Gay Icon

Ryan Tate · 07/31/08 12:38AM

She'll embrace her status as a queer icon, show up at the GLAAD awards and even host the gayest flight into Australia, but D-lister and reality show star Kathy Griffin does not appear eager to jump into bed with Manhunt, the notorious site for convenient man-on-man hookups. The site was hoping Griffin might be willing to join a marketing event for their newer, slightly less naughty site, ManCam, in which men merely ogle one another via Webcam and, uh, so forth. But she's totally not returning their calls! So they're just going to go ahead and use her likeness in a ManHunt online ad banner anyway, thus getting some nice free advertising. Sure, she could sue, but then that would mean free publicity! The banner and an excerpt from a Manhunt email on Griffin after the jump.