Haiti Earthquake Aid is Slow to Arrive

The two biggest stories of the week — the Haiti earthquake and Google's battle with China — are both developed by all the papers. Except, of course, the New York Post.
They lead with the news that unions and lawmakers have reached a deal on the proposal to tax expensive healthcare plans. Which makes the front elsewhere too, but as a firm third place to Google and Haiti. There are some striking images from the earthquake again today, and some nice detail on how Google came to pull out of China.
Here are some highlights:
- The New York Times look at the lead-up to that Google pull-out, with some nice detail.
- They also put the word 'bra' on the front page with this story about government procurement.
- And the Wall Street Journal may be fomenting revolution in Mexico.
Disclosure: I freelance write and report for newspapers that are included in this roundup. Where there is a direct conflict of interest I will make it clear.

The New York Times: show a dead body on the front page in a striking picture to go with their Haiti story. They have some nice insight into the background on the battle between Google and China, and report that the government has made concessions to unions over the proposal to tax expensive healthcare policies. The paper profiles Stan Kroenke, a businessman who has quietly built up big stakes in five sports teams, and takes a look at government bulk-buying (a story pulled from the City Room blog, apparently). Also, tea party nuts are trying to take over the GOP. But you probably knew that already.

The Washington Post: goes big on Haiti, with an original picture too, reports that the DC metro chief is to step down and also covers the agreement between unions and lawmakers over healthcare. Basketballer Gilbert Arenas, meanwhile, has reached a plea deal.

The LA Times: also develops the the Haiti and Google stories, and adds in a nice bit of California retirement fund and heartwarming refugee farming (as in the refugees farm - they are not themselves farmed).

The Wall Street Journal: have studied bank bonuses this year and think they're going to be huge — 18 per cent bigger than last year. Their Haiti image is one of hope, which is nice. They look at Sears' attempts to gin up online business, and Mexico's attempt not to have a revolution in 2010 like they did in 1910 and 1810.

The New York Post: after a day of Haiti the Post got bored and lead with the unions and lawmakers deal on healthcare.

The Daily News: meanwhile, has sent the lovely, talented Christina Boyle (who I owe money) and a photographer to Haiti.

Tampa Bay Times: presented without comment. (Except that I kind of love this newspaper.)

The Border Mail (Australia): Australians are under attack! In about 1855, judging from the choice of weapon.