Our Love Hate Relationship with January Jones Continues at the Golden Globes

Last night January Jones looked great and behaved well on camera, but behind the scenes she was extolling her admiration for Jersey Shore (love) and leaving an after party with Jeremy Piven (hate). What's the deal?
January Jones is the worst part of an excellent show, and we love us some Mad Men, but after her Saturday Night Live debacle, we just don't know what to make of her. It's love, hate, love, hate, love, hate. Last night didn't help. In the press room after Mad Men's win for Best TV Show Without Jokes or Dancing, she interrupted show creator Matthew Weiner to say that Jersey Shore is an excellent show. OMG, we love it too! BFF 4-eva! But then the paparazzi snapped her leaving a Globes party at the Chateau Marmont with Hollywood scum bucket Jeremy Piven! Ew, now we think she's gross. God, January. Since we can't decide if we love you or hate you, we're erring on the side of hating you until further evidence of your fabulousness becomes evident. Be warned.