Very rich Hollywood conservative Dennis Hopper is reportedly on his death bed. So what is his final wish? A divorce from his liberal, younger wife so she won't be able to contest his will. Now that's love.

There have been several reports that Hopper, 73, is dying from prostate cancer, but he still mustered up the strength to file for divorce from his wife of 13 years, Victoria, 42. The court papers state "irreconcilable differences," and those differences may be political rather than personal.

Hopper notoriously went from a pot-smoking Hollywood hippie to an outspoken conservative. Victoria, on the other hand, is well known in the Hollywood Democratic fund-raising circuit as one of the power players for liberal causes. Once, at a John Edwards fundraiser hosted by his wife, Hopper said that he merely tolerated his wife's political activity. Is his move to divorce her a way to keep her "tax and spend" hands off his "live free or die" money?

His current will supposedly states that she will get a quarter of his estate, including a Frank Gehry-designed home in Venice Beach and a large art collection that includes two giant works by Julian Schnabel and Jean-Michel Basquiat hanging in the entrance to their home. Since they have been together for more than a decade sources say she was expecting more and would contest the will. If he divorces her, her ability to contest his final will and testament will be crippled because of the divorce. The couple have a six-year-old daughter, Galen, and one assumes that she will be provided for, but considering the fourth-quarter divorce, one doesn't know for sure.

Now, Victoria has barricaded herself inside the compound (where Hopper and two of his grown children live) trying to hold on to what little she has left. It's sad that Hopper's legacy of great movies is going to be marred by what is sure to be a drawn-out probate battle after his death. Well, that and turning conservative in the first place. And those insurance ads. And Super Mario Bros.

[Image via Getty]