Oh, George Lopez. So far under the late night radar that no one even notices when movie stars drop in. Movie stars! But drop in they did, as Jennifer Lopez tried her hand at the late night comedy shtick.

We're assuming Ms. Lopez wrote her own material, so this is a respectable sojourn out of her comfort zone. But her opening zinger was perhaps the highlight: "Welcome to Lopez Tonight, where nobody gets fired... they just get replaced by a bigger star with the same last name." Oh, snap!

Her other jokes were all across the board, delivering playful jabs to Sarah Palin, drunken pilots, prostitute solicitors, and los gringos. JLo also threw her two cents into the Late Night Wars—her somewhat misguided targets included NBC's ineptitude, Conan's plight, and Letterman's penchant for interns. But, expectedly, nothing was too hard-hitting.

The set seemed mostly like a collection of disjointed little quips she'd found amusing, but it was still sorta cute. Our verdict? Somewhere between Jersey Girl and Angel Eyes.

[via The Huffington Post]

* Note: You can stop watching at about 5:37 - that just gets into regular GLo territory.