Joe Arpaio Holds Press Conference to Let America Know He's Still a Wingnut
Louis Peitzman · 07/17/12 10:56PMThe Best and Worst Celebrity Wax Figures
Leah Beckmann · 10/09/11 11:21AM
As far as gimmicky tourist attractions go, none tops the great Madame Tussaud and her house of clones. Not to wax poetic here, but there is something equal parts satisfying and unnerving about a dead-eyed Susan Boyle. The resemblance is uncanny! And even if it isn't and the wax statue looks nothing like its real-life counterpart, well, even that is something to see.
Is Lindsay Lohan Buying Drugs in This Video?
Maureen O'Connor · 08/11/11 10:56AMGeorge Lopez Reminds Us Why His Show Got Canceled
Matt Cherette · 08/11/11 02:10AMGeorge Lopez No Longer Has a Television Show
Richard Lawson · 08/10/11 01:11PMArnold and Maria, Scarlett and Ryan, Patricia and Thomas, George and Ann All Divorce
Max Read · 07/02/11 11:14AMDonald Glover Freestyles on Lopez Tonight
Whitney Jefferson · 03/08/11 12:30PMBefore ending his interview with a freestyle rap, Don Glover shared tales of "shocking his junk," how he got his job at 30 Rock, and even threw in an impression of Chris Rock for good measure.
Antoine Dodson Performs "Chimney Intruder" on Lopez Tonight
Matt Cherette · 12/22/10 12:34AMHow Stoned Was Anna Faris in This Lopez Tonight Interview? You Decide!
Whitney Jefferson · 12/15/10 12:48PMEric Stonestreet Spits All Over George Lopez
Kate Shapiro · 12/14/10 11:19AMBill Cosby Thinks He's in Hell on Lopez Tonight
Kate Erskine · 12/01/10 12:30PMJanet Jackson and George Lopez Share a Heart to Heart
Ruhi Shamim · 11/09/10 06:00PMGeorge Lopez: TBS Late Night is "Much Younger, More Diverse" Than Leno, Letterman
Whitney Jefferson · 11/09/10 01:48PMAntoine Dodson Gays It Up on Lopez Tonight
Matt Cherette · 11/09/10 01:25AMLopez Tonight—and the world, by extension—was just graced by the presence of "Bed Intruder" sensation Antoine Dodson (with luscious straight hair!). What did we learn about Dodson? For one: girlfriend just loves Gucci. The full interview, inside.
What Did the Other Late-Night Hosts Have to Say About the Conan Premiere?
Matt Cherette · 11/09/10 01:12AMWhile the rest of you have your eyes glued to the premiere of Conan O'Brien's new small screen effort, Conan, we at Gawker.TV were monitoring all of the other late-night shows for O'Brien-related mentions. Inside, video of everything we found.