Loser Clinton Flack Now A City Employee

After Clinton flack Howard Wolfson helped sink Hillary's presidential campaign, he was rewarded with a Fox News gig, a New Republic blog, and a high-paying job with Mike Bloomberg's reelection campaign. Now Mike's taking him on full time!
It is a pretty good job, in this economy, with a six-figure salary and benefits and all that, but it is also something of a step down for Wolfson, who is accustomed to falling up. He "will assume the newly created position of counselor to the mayor, focusing on communications and policy." And he will quit the Glover Park Group and stop working for other clients. Which means he is giving up a lot of money to be Mike's pet Clinton flack! Why? Well: "former aides to the mayor have profited handsomely from work at his company." Also, Wolfson is disillusioned with campaign work. Maybe because he is fucking terrible at campaign work. Like, campaign reporters referred to him, on the record, as an unpleasant flack whom they did not like.
Julia Reed called Wolfson "the most charmless human being on the planet." The Economist called Wolfson "one of the least helpful spokesmen this newspaper has ever encountered." We made a lot of fun of his terrible taste in indie music.
So good luck selling Mayor Mike's policies, Howard! Always remember: trans-fats and salt only won caucus states and those don't count!