Today at Gawker.TV, Howard Stern bashes Conan, Sherri Shepard may be the worst journalist in America, new issues for two gay brothers on Greek, Lifetime's "The Pregnancy Pact," and The Inbetweeners is the new Freaks and Geeks.

Sherri Shepard Asks the Tough Questions, Then Immediately Gets Distracted By Cookies
Sherri decided to ask Alicia Silverstone about her thoughts on the late Brittany Murphy. We have to wait through a clip from Clueless to get Silverstone's answer- which is then interrupted with questions about food. Journalism at its best.

Calvin and Grant Have New Issues to Face on Greek
Last night's premiere of Greek gave some well-deserved airtime to Calvin and Grant's budding relationship. During the episode, Grant decides that he wants to come out and tell their fraternity brothers that the two are more than just roommates.

Howard Stern Bashes Conan for Taking the High Road With NBC
On Conan's last broadcast of The Tonight Show, he thanked NBC for all they have done for his career despite the whole debacle. Everyone applauded his decision to go out in a classy manner. Everyone except Howard Stern.

The Inbetweeners Picks Up Where Freaks and Geeks Left Off
The Inbetweeners, which wrapped up its second season in 2009 in England, premiered in America last night. And hopefully it will stick around, because it may be the best British import since The Office.

Bloggers Blogging About Babies Having Babies: The Pregnancy Pact
Over the weekend, Lifetime aired its original made-for-TV fictionalization of the 2008 Gloucester Massachusetts teen pregnancy epidemic, The Pregnancy Pact, in which Thora Birch stars as a rogue vlogger intrigued by a reported pregnancy spike at her adolescent alma mater.