You've Got Some Options in Comments

While some other sites are ditching comments altogether, I wanted to alert you to a new option for viewing Gawker comments. Along with deciding to see all comments or just featured ones, you can also choose to collapse all replies.
The default settings viewing comments is to see just the featured comments (i.e. those left by star commenters or promoted by an editor or star commenter) and for the replies to be collapsed under the original comment. But it is easy to change this if you would like to: At the bottom of the comments on every post are two links (see above). Click "Show all discussions" to show all comments on that post and click "Expand all threads" to seen all the replies without having to individually click each thread. If you want to use one of these options, you only have to do it once. Clicking those links tells the server elves that that's your new default preference. I was totally wrong about that. I thought this was supposed to be part of the new feature, but for now, you're going to have to click "expand all threads" on each post. Update: Put down the pitchforks. Tech replies that they're working on making the option sticky.

To see all comments by default, there's an option in your commenter profile: click your commenter name up at the top of the page and then click the "Settings" link. That'll bring up a pop-up where you can select your default settings. I'll keep you posted on the all replies thing.