The National Enquirer says Cooper and his boyfriend will adopt a baby. Even crazier than that, the National Enquirer is talking about Cooper's boyfriend on the front page. Even your mom is gonna see that at the grocery store!

It seems like the media coming out process is nearly complete for Anderson. On the front cover of the new Enquirer — which gives top billing to the latest heinous revelation in the John Edwards saga: he beat his cancer-stricken wife — is a headline that matter-of-factly refers to "Anderson Cooper & boyfriend." Unlike when Page Six made a veiled reference to his relationship with Benjamin Maisani, this story is putting it out there in every supermarket checkout and news stand in America. However, much like the NY Post story about his big butch firehouse of love, it seems this story is just an excuse to discuss the details of Coop's personal life.

The Enquirer doesn't even address whether or not Cooper is in the closet, they just run with the very correct assumption that he is gay and in a relationship with Maisani. Now it's not just going to be the New York media types and the gays who are hip to the story, but the Enquirer's very middle-American, straight, and older readership — the same people who watch him on CNN.

After saving one on national television, Anderson is said to be bringing home a Haitian orphan of his own and will raise it with Maisani. Cooper's transformation into Madonna is complete!

Anyway, the friend says that the baby will be moving in with the couple in the fire house and this may keep Anderson from flying all over the world with his prissy parka to cover stories. Still gay bar co-owner Maisani is "totally capable of keeping things under control while Anderson is away."

If this is true, then good on Anderson. There are hundreds of thousands of kids who need a home, and one with two, attractive, wealthy, homosexual gentleman is better than most. It seems like a big move for the anchor, who is reticent to talk about his personal life in public at all, to make such a bold move after so much hubbub has been made about his coverage in Haiti. After all, he always says he wants to cover the news, not be it. Rescuing a kid from the rubble was definitely news, and taking one home for good would be another valid news story.

Then everyone would really start looking in Cooper's personal life. After this much attention why don't you just come out and address the issue once and for all, Anderson, so that we can stop talking about it and fixate on something else. You want to raise your child in a home that prizes honesty, integrity, and forthrightness, don't you?