Chris Lehmann traded place with his wife Ana Marie Cox; Molly McAleer traded places with Rahm Emanuel; and Alex Payne's messages to traded places with's messages to Alex Payne. The Twitterati got the old switcheroo.

Former Congressional Quarterly writer Chris Lehmann found gainful employment just in time for his wife to lose hers. Anybody feel like buying the corpse of Air America?

Former Defamer and Greater Hollywood Area tingling internet sensation Molly McAleer normally does not self-censor her tweets, but this one's now gone, presumably out of fear bedridden protocelebrity pimp Julia Allison would totally Rahm her.

Canadian programmer Doug Sheppard has a better sense of humor than anyone on that stupid island. (Except maybe Hurley.)

There are surely any number of ways to communicate with a non-cooperative Twitter server, but this time Twitter engineer Alex Payne went with "English."

Five of whatever Jack Dorsey's drinking, barkeep.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.