Today at Gawker.TV, Ugly Betty learns about blogging, Martha asks twins whether they switch wives in the sack, Superbowl commercials, John Oliver proposes new rules for elderly congress members, and Fox anchors watch a buoy float down the Hudson.

Good Day New York Anchors Narrate a Buoy Floating Down the Hudson River
This morning, on Good Day New York, Rosanna, Greg and the crew of SkyFoxHD, the Fox 5 newscopter, were mesmerized by a buoy in the Hudson River. What is it doing there? Investigate that, Fox 5!

Ugly Betty Gets a Lesson in Blogging
Betty decided to publish her rant about Daniel, her boss, to the dedicated followers of her blog. She didn't realize that it would take off overnight — and to Betty's utter horror, Daniel just learned what a Google Alert is.

Martha Stewart Asks Twins If They Bone Each Other's Wives
Martha Stewart has to get freaky in the bedroom. She had twins on today's show for no discernible reason other than doubling the craft output on the show. Everything was going swimmingly until she brought up the subject of wife-swapping.

The Superbowl's Greatest Commercials Tests Limits of What Humans Can Watch
Why subject mankind's senses to an entire hour of commercials only to be interrupted by fat Luke Wilson? Expensive ads are an important part of the Superbowl experience, but last night's travesty was the worst spin-off since Joanie Loves Chachi.

The Daily Show Proposes Don't Ask Don't Tell for Elderly Senators
Should old people be allowed to serve in the senate? Not openly if at all, says John Oliver of The Daily Show.