
Lin-Manuel Miranda Pleads for Economic Relief of Puerto Rico on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight

J.K. Trotter · 04/25/16 08:25AM

Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of the Broadway musicals In the Heights and Hamilton, appeared on yesterday’s edition of Last Week Tonight to address Puerto Rico’s crippling debt crisis. Following host John Oliver’s lengthy introduction about the situation’s manifold origins, Miranda, who was born to Puerto Rican parents in New York City, deployed his prodigious rapping skills to directly implore U.S. officials to grant the American territory immediate economic relief by allowing its government to restructure its debt.

John Oliver Examines the Shitty, Difficult Reality of Life After Prison

Jay Hathaway · 11/09/15 01:30PM

Around 6,000 federal prisoners were scheduled for release this month after a loosening of the harsh mandatory minimum sentences that came with three decades of successful and definitely not futile War on Drugs. It’s the largest single prison release in U.S. history. But, as John Oliver explained on his show Sunday night, they’re about to encounter the shitty, broken process of prison re-entry.

John Oliver Explains Why That Facebook Copyright Statement Is Dumb, and Maybe You'll Listen to Him

Jay Hathaway · 09/30/15 03:28PM

As every website has been attempting to inform you since 2012, copy-pasting several paragraphs of dense legal voodoo onto your Facebook wall does not somehow exempt you from the terms of service that bind all Facebook users. If Facebook decides it wants to start using your content in some way you don’t like, your legal options include: don’t put that content on Facebook. Or: stop using Facebook altogether. If you won’t believe us, please believe John Oliver.

Making Money Off Miracles: The Gospel of Televangelists

Jennifer C. Martin · 08/25/15 10:40AM

A few weeks ago on Last Week Tonight, John Oliver exposed televangelists—evangelical preachers whose sole purpose is to get on TV and ask for funds for their ministries—who prey on the sick, poor, and desperate in order to line their own pockets, funding lavish lifestyles that include mansions, airplanes, cars, vacations, and more.

Edward Snowden Thinks Your Password Sucks

Ashley Feinberg · 04/09/15 11:10AM

Earlier this week, Ed Snowden sat down with John Oliver in what turned out to be his first real, substantive interview since his stint in Russia began. Now, Last Week Tonight has released an extra clip in which Snowden offers us all a few, handy security tips. First and foremost: Your password probably sucks.

John Oliver on Daylight Saving Time: End It

Jay Hathaway · 03/09/15 09:00AM

On Sunday's Last Week Tonight, John Oliver devoted his "How Is This Still a Thing?" segment to the timely topic of Daylight Saving Time, which is ruining your morning as we speak. At least it will help you later, right? Nope, not really! How is this still a thing?

John Oliver Hosted The Daily Show So Stewart Could Talk Rosewater

Jay Hathaway · 11/14/14 12:08PM

Jon Stewart's Rosewater, the directorial debut that took him away from The Daily Show this summer and set the stage for the ascension of John Oliver, is finally out. And, because Stewart wanted to talk about his movie on the show, he recused himself as host and summoned Oliver back to the non-premium cable desk.

John Oliver Plays With the Best Invention in History: A Salmon Cannon

Jay Hathaway · 11/10/14 02:03PM

A "salmon cannon" has been deployed in Washington state to launch fish safely over a hydroelectric dam, and it's giving John Oliver hope for the future. If we can use the cannon to fix the salmon-spawning process (that we broke in the first place, but whatever), who knows what else we can achieve with this wondrous invention?

John Oliver on the Elections That Actually Matter This Tuesday

Jay Hathaway · 11/03/14 11:10AM

State legislatures: their campaign ads may be completely ludicrous comedy goldmines, and even some of the incumbents are unhinged lunatics, but with Congress basically deadlocked, they're the only place shit gets done. John Oliver spent nearly 20 minutes mocking these buffoons last night, and explaining why you need to vote anyway.

Watch John Oliver and Nick Offerman Save a Marriage at Home Depot

Jay Hathaway · 11/03/14 09:30AM

On Last Week Tonight Sunday, John Oliver noted that Lowe's has introduced robot employees to help customers find whatever they're looking for—which is precisely not the point of home improvement store employees. They're there to keep your marriage from collapsing before your eyes in the bathroom fixtures section.

John Oliver on the Scariest Thing About Halloween: Shitloads of Sugar

Jay Hathaway · 10/27/14 03:00PM

There are lots of scary things about Halloween: Ghosts (human), ghosts (animal), zombies (real), and throngs of college students (drunk). But, as John Oliver points out, perhaps the most terrifying is the $2 billion worth of candy (plus some Necco wafers) that Americans will consume in celebration of the holiday.