Washington DC is forecast to get 20 to 28 inches of snow. Naturally, the capitol is preparing for the impending blizzard by hoarding Lunchables, half & half and Chunky Monkey according to this tipster photo taken at Safeway last night.

Meanwhile up here in New York, the forecast is bit more uncertain. The current advisory is a less-than-metropolis-paralyzing 4 to 8 inches, with this corollary that makes any prediction useless Since "the forecast area will be along the northern edge of the storm system," we could get "more snow" or "little or no snow." But don't let that make you second-guess your evening date with a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

Urgent!: There is no more produce or canned soup on sale at the Fairfax, Va., Wegmans except for — can't tell really — jalapenos, ginseng and a few cans of Chef Boyardee.