
We Closed the Subway for This? Everything to Know About NYC's Storm Bust

Aleksander Chan · 01/27/15 09:25AM

Well, well, well. New Yorkers lucked out last night and were spared the feared three feet of snow predicted to hit the city. Forecasts put our friends to the north and east as bearing the brunt of the storm, with 18 inches already recorded in Massachusetts—and plenty of snow still headed their way. Here's what you need to know today:

Send Us Your Mom's Texts and Emails About the Blizzard 

Allie Jones · 01/26/15 03:38PM

Have you gone to the store yet? You're working from home, right? Do you have extra batteries even though you do not own any battery-powered devices? Well, Jesus, get on it, because the "crippling," "historic," big-ass blizzard of 2015 is coming fast and furious and your mother is only concerned because she loves you.

Taylor Berman · 01/26/15 03:15PM

CNN: What Is a Blizzard

Sam Biddle · 01/26/15 02:50PM

Yo listen up if any of you know what a blizzard is please get in touch as soon as possible (ASAP) because I'm covering the blizzard live on CNN and I'll be god damned if I know what all this snow is about, really.

Help Us Create a Before and After Picture of the Northeast Blizzard

Aleksander Chan · 01/26/15 12:38PM

Big blizzard '15 is here and while outside might look quaint now, we're promised up to three feet of snow in parts of the Northeast. If you're home, go take a quick photo of your best, snowy view and share it with us. And then after tomorrow's dreaded pileup, take another shot and send us that one, too. We'll put them all together into a post-blizzard gallery.

How Did You Fare in Comrade de Blasio's First Socialized Blizzard?

Tom Scocca · 01/03/14 03:20PM

The sun is out over Manhattan now, after the darkness of the winter storm. Yet will the city ever recover? For the first time in decades, New York had to face frozen precipitation without the steadying hand of a right-wing authoritarian or a pragmatic technocrat as mayor. Now, as the New York Post has been warning us, the city is being run by a potentially feckless radical, who cares more about identity politics and fostering class resentment than the nuts and bolts of governance.

Two Dead After Second Winter Storm in Days Blasts Central U.S.

Maggie Lange · 02/26/13 09:29AM

Another blizzard just touched down in the U.S., hitting the nation's midsection early this morning. After hurricane-force winds whipped through the Texas panhandle, the storm moved to Oklahoma and Kansas, cutting off power to thousands and closing highways. It's already claimed two lives: a 21-year-old man whose SUV hit an icy part of the road, and a bystander killed after 15 inches of snow caved in part of a roof.

'Snowtober' Kills Three, Leaves Millions Without Power

Max Read · 10/30/11 10:06AM

A nor'easter hit the, uh, Northeast yesterday, like, October 29 yesterday, dropping as many as 19 inches of snow on a region stretching from Pennsylvania through New England in what was for most places a record-breakingly early snowstorm. Three people died overnight—an 84-year-old man was killed by a falling tree, a 20-year-old man accidentally touched a downed power line, and a third person was killed in a Connecticut traffic accident—and at least 2.3 million people were left without power.