Harold Ford may or may not remember where he lives, but he certainly knows when he's home—because his eyes are assaulted by a garish array of yellow and turquoise walls. No wonder he's trying to sell it.

This is Ford's apartment — the precise location of which caused something of a stir last week when Ford was quoted (erroneously, it turns out) as claiming to live a couple blocks from the federal courthouse in lower Manhattan. It's a one-bedroom two-bath Fifth Avenue co-op in Manhattan's Flatiron district, and it could be yours for $1.4 million.

Also, it is extremely, relentlessly yellow. And turquoise.

The apartment has been on the market for 224 days, according to New York magazine's real estate listings, and Ford and his wife Emily (née Threlkeld) recently dropped the price by $90,000. According to New York real estate records, Emily purchased it outright in 2006 with the help of her mother Debra Beard, who happens to be married to former Morgan Stanley chairman Anson Beard. Emily and Ford were married in 2008 and Ford subsequently moved to New York, so the decor can likely be pinned on Emily's vision of what a bachelorette pad should look like.

A rep for Ford had no immediate comment on why he lives in a prison of unrelenting yellow, and how soon he hopes to escape from it.