John Mayer Continues To Apologize His Way Across America
Apologize profusely on Twitter for racially charged comments about your penis and no one will believe you're genuine. Apologize during a concert with a nice bluesy lick playing behind you, and it just seems honest, raw—and bluesy!
After word got out about John Mayer's Playboy interview, the media got its proverbial panties in a ruffle over comments about his white supremacist dick and casual use of the never casual n-word. Mayer, realizing his outspoken, unfiltered attitude with the press had gone too far, immediately apologized to his 3 million followers over a series (to put it lightly) of tweets.

But if tweeting wasn't enough (it wasn't), Mayer put on his sensitive musician face and once again apologized to his throngs of fans at a concert in Nashville last night, saying, "In the quest to be clever, I completely forgot about the people that I love and the people who love me." And has dug himself into a "wormhole of selfishness." So sweet!
Are we to honestly believe that as of today Mayer has turned over a new leaf? One interview goes a bit too far so the gossip-obsessed public no longer gets to see Mayer play pranks on the paparazzi and sleep his way through Hollywood? He says he just wants to be a blues musician now, but you know what, if we just wanted to hear blues, we'll put on a Muddy Waters record. Sensitive singer-songwriters are a dime-a-dozen, but emotional crooners with a quick wit and a devil-may-care attitude don't come along very often. If Mayer wants to revert to "just being a musician" again, fine, that's his prerogative, but it won't stay that way for long; he's too funny, too outspoken, and just too far in the public eye to just be a musician anymore. He can apologize all he wants for what he said, but only time will tell if his actions speak louder than words.