Kate Winslet Is the Depression-Era Mother We Never Had

Kate Winslet will play a single mother. Taylor Lautner is causing fights. Twilight gets sliced in two. Kevin Costner? He's just chillin', starring in a new WWII pick. The Roundup just won $5 on a scratch ticket. It's buying another!
•Kate Winslet won an Oscar a while ago for The Reader, which was about 1950s Germany. Now she's starring in a new five-hour miniseries on HBO: Mildred Pierce. The story's about a single mother "struggling to earn her daughter's love during the depression in middle-class Los Angeles." So we've got 1950s Germany, 1930s Los Angeles and 1940s Connecticut (Revolutionary Road). Somebody let this woman play a character in the modern world! [Variety]
•A Little War of Our Own stars Kevin Costner as a Sheriff in a small town during WW II. Costner will direct, too. Prediction: Everyone will call this a rip off of Avatar only with Japanese and ration cards instead of Na'vi. [Variety]
•Baldheaded futureworld guy news: Vin Diesel is returning to the Chronicles of Riddick series for a new crazy film! The good news: It will hew closer to Pitch Black than its sequel The Chronicles of Riddick. The bad news: Vin Diesel is still bald. [Variety]
•Taylor Lautner is unstoppable, apparently: Studios are gearing up for a big fight over the script for Abduction, a new drama with Lautner attached. [Deadline]
•What do you do when your super-successful film franchise is running out of books from which to adapt films? Split one of these books into two! Summit Entertainment has decided to split the last Twilight book—Breaking Dawn—into two parts for our viewing pleasure. They will be released back-to-back, so we can look forward to a good 8 months straight of Twighlight mania. [Deadline]
•John C. Reilly has joined the cast of Lynne Ramsay's We Need to Talk About Kevin. Reilly will play "the father of a teenager who goes on a killing rampage." A logical move for the guy who played Will Ferrell's sidekick in Talladega Nights [Variety]
•Colin Firth AKA "Mr. Darcy From the Good Version of Pride and Prejudice" has signed up to play along Matthew Macfadyen in Michael Winterbottom's The Promised Land. It's a "political crime thriller"! Meeeeester Dahhhhhcy! That is what we like to do when we think of Colin Firth. [THR]