Can we blame Arianna Huffington for the tragic dissolution of Dennis Hopper's marriage? Page Six insinuates that Hopper's wife Victoria Duffy is sleeping with James Boyce, a Democratic strategist and, yes, Huffington Post blogger.

Boyce seems to write mostly about the rainforest, though he has one particularly stupid post criticizing AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson for calling Bono a jackass. Bono is a jackass, James. And AC/DC rule.

With her husband dying and filing for divorce and obtaining 10-foot restraining orders against her, it is not actually that shocking that Duffy would "step out" in P6-speak with this guy. Their proof seems to be emails that suggest that Duffy and Boyce attended Barack Obama's inauguration together—with tickets that were meant for Dennis! (Gah, the Secret Service should not let Dennis Hopper anywhere near the President, sick or no.)

The HuffPo is just bad for celebrity marriages! Does no one remember what happened to Larry David when his wife discovered that terrible website? She left him for a married Republican, and turned that Republican into a hippie.

Here is a very important comment on this story, from a Post reader:

Obama bin Biden!
02/12/2010 9:22 AM
What would you expect from a woman with a face of a rat?