The inevitable nude Snooki pics have finally made their way online and they are shockingly safe for work. The masterminds behind promise more.

We owe this fine accomplishment in journalism to RadarOnline. They have authenticated the pics, as being taken in Snooki's bedroom based on other photos she has released on Twitter. She said in the past that naked pictures of her were never taken, but come on. Who really believed that. No one knows who put the pictures up or how many people have visited the website, but Radar is touting their visit to the dirty page as if they're Al Gore and they just put the first telephone receiver into the first modem and invented the whole gosh-darn internet. Naked pictures of the Jersey Shore cast are kind of like Star Wars collectible cups at McDonalds. They'll slowly release them all until everyone has collected the whole set. When we see the first pictures of DJ Paulie's D, we're totally going to call it an exclusive.