Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, The Office adjusts to Sabre, Survivor is more like Real World, Road Rules Challenge than you'd expect, Community pays homage to The Breakfast Club, and Archer is all about the gratuitous (and animated!) tits and ass.

Sabre: The Office's Deus Ex Machina
Last night The Office continued it's attempt to regain lost footing. It seems the whole Sabre buy-out of Dunder-Mifflin is a way to bring Jim back into the sales-floor fold, and push Michael back into his absurd position as boss.

Archer Gets Results with Gratuitous Cartoon Nudity and Sad Trombones
Archer, the show you should be watching right now, has a plan and sticks to it. A combination of quick wit, literary and pop-culture references, and a whole lots of bouncing tits and ass has kept us enthralled.

Community Pays Homage to The Breakfast Club With an Awesome 80's Drinking & Dance Montage
When Britta leaves Jeff a drunken booty-call voice-mail, the balance of their friendship shifted to awkward. Abed tries to help Jeff out of this mess, but instead they get very drunk and dance around like a 80s-style maniacs.

Three Ways Survivor Has Become Real World/Road Rules Challenge Minus Binge Drinking
Survivor has returned for its TWENTIETH season. It hasn't quite jumped the shark yet, because the first 15 minutes had me laughing maniacally. But as far as the show itself, Survivor is pretty much copying MTV at this point.

A Parks and Recreation Valentine: Be Mine, Andy Dwyer
Parks and Recreation's house band may be used to dive bars and drunk girls, but last night they rocked slowly and killed softly to teach a lesson in love: that front man Andy Dwyer is the dreamiest.