Last night on The Millionaire Matchmaker Patti took on a celebrity: Jason Davis. How do you know him? He's the brother of Brandon Davis, heir to millions, and subject of the paparazzi's nickname "Gummy Bear." So, how did it go?

If you're not sure who this guy is, Patti pretty much sums it all up during her reaction to being told about her new client:

So, Patti decided to meet the man for herself. She does a quick assessment of Davis and comes to the conclusion the he is quite an "eccentric" fella. Sure, let's go with that.

Patti wasn't into his strange looks and sent him to the Spa for a makeover—which included a very gratuitous and exposing Spray Tan. (NSFW? Also, kind of gross.)

Jason went through a mixer and found a girl that he seemed to like enough—which takes us to the most important part of the show: The Date. What did Jason bring his date? Flowers? Chocolates? Nope—a monkey.

Jason and his hot blonde got along very well, despite the fact that he farted in the middle of a serious conversation. However, there's no mention of this in her glowing review of their date and their chemistry, below: