Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 6

It's Project Runway live blog party time again, and I feel like Madame Butterfly on acid! I'm happier than a hardhat-wearing worker in a honey-oat-cereal commercial! How about you?
You'd feel that way too if you joined us tonight. Manufacturing this live blog is a group effort, so why not don a happy hardhat and punch in? The fun gets under way in the comments section below this post, and the show starts at 10 Eastern on Lifetime.
Our last live blog produced over a thousand comments, some of funniest of which are featured here. Here are a few other highlights from last week:
- Some of us wondered whether Heidi will learn to pronounce "Marie Claire" correctly by the time she appears on the cover.
- Tim worried that Janeane's look might be undermined by a "spewing out factor." To me, that sounds more like a problem to worry about on Top Chef than on Project Runway.
- When Anthony won, commenters rejoiced with shouts of "Gurl!" and "Yay!" and "Come kiss ya Aunt Bunny!" So it's official: We all love Anthony. Also official: We all hate Mila and Seth Aaron.
- Commenter Lilah noticed that "Janeane managed to make the moment of Anna's elimination all about Janeane" — by crying, of course. Which reminds me of a new nickname I recently came up with for her: "the Grim Weeper."
As for tonight, before the show starts, I suggest we speculate on which of the final collections shown last Friday at Fashion Week were the real "final three" (rather than decoys) … unless some folks think that's too spoiler-ish? I don't, since it's all just guesswork that usually turns out to be wrong. Anyway, for those who don't mind seeing the final collections early, the pictures are linked here — and Gawker's Brian Moylan provides his own event reportage and guesswork here. Moylan even said that, if you ask nicely, he'll share some of his pictures and insight about the runway presentations before the show starts tonight.
Once tonight's episode gets under way, I suggest we watch for the following:
- There will be little girls running around the workroom, so I guess it's "bring your daughters to make it work" day or something.
- Jonathan will describe the situation as "Romper Room on crack" — which is actually pretty funny, and suggests that he may not be such a boring nonentity after all.
- The guest judge is designer Tory Burch, who's a great choice for a kids-themed challenge because she was a leading child actress back in the '90s. Oh wait—that was Thora Birch, wasn't it? Sorry … never mind.
Ok, kids, the live blog room is ready for romping. See you in the comments!