While all you "Gen Poppers" were sleepwalking through your bland lives, Arthur Kade—our favorite thespian, author and vagina ponderer—was making his mainstream television debut!

We're having a little trouble figuring out what's going on in this clip because of Arthur Kade's very own personal voiceover track in the background. Luckily, he had this to say on his blog about the orgasmic experience of appearing on Showtime's "La La Land:"

"Popping The Cherry" (The Term we working actors in "The Biz" use to refer to our first spoken lines on National TV) can be a nerve wracking experience for most working actors, but what makes Arthur Kade so special, so in demand, so sexy, and so superior is that he may get an Emmy nomination in his first turn on TV because of what one fan called, "The most entertaining and funny thing I have seen on TV in forever", and this will be an added step to opening doors to touching Lil' Oscar like no one else ever has.

The Brand decided to watch his "Cherry Popper" by himself in Chateau Kade because I wanted to savor all of the hard work, the hours of practice on The Craft, the sacrifices of money, vagina, and life frills that it took to get to this moment, and I wanted to savor it with the one person I love more than anyone, Arthur Kade.

I don't know, Arthur. You seem a little flat. Do you really want it? Next time, with passion!